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You Can Enhance Your Jackrabbit Experience

Many of the factors that influence your Jackrabbit experience are not related to Jackrabbit itself. Speed and usage are impacted by your internet connection, the type of the internet connection (cable vs. DSL), age of computer, CPU, memory, and how many applications you are currently running on the computer. There are a number of important steps you can take to utilize Jackrabbit to its fullest potential.

Keep Your Internet Browser Up-to-Date
Since all browsers may not follow the same web standards, any website, including Jackrabbit, can display slightly different from browser to browser. Using the most recent version of your favorite browser ensures the best experience with Jackrabbit. Common internet web browsers include Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari.

To determine what browser version you are using, go to

To locate the most recent browser versions available, check out

Clear Your Browser Cache Regularly
Every web browser has a temporary storage area called a cache.  Among other things, a web cache stores copies of pages passed through it. Regularly clearing your browser cache can improve performance of websites.  Tutorials on how to clear your browser cache are provided below.

Google Chrome
Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari

Use Anti-Virus Software & MalWare Software
While Jackrabbit continually guards against malware and viruses impacting your Jackrabbit data, viruses and malware on your own computer can slow your speed and performance.  There are a number of free and paid anti-virus and malware software options available, and many newer computers come with software pre-installed.  Be sure you set the software to automatically scan your computer on a regular basis.  Additionally, make sure you are set to receive automatic updates to your anti-virus and malware software.

While Jackrabbit doesn’t recommend a particular software, some options include Microsoft Security EssentialsAvast, Norton 360, and Malwarebytes.

If you believe you have a malware or viruses on your computer, Jackrabbit recommends you see a computer professional for assistance.

Maintain Your Equipment
Computer performance can be impacted by poor maintenance and out-of-date equipment.  Older computers will not have the speed or performance that a newer version will have.  If your computer is more than 3 – 5 years old and hasn’t had any upgrades, it may be time to invest in a newer model.

PC users will want to keep in mind that older versions of Windows, such as Windows XP are no longer supported.  Regardless of what Windows version you are using, make sure you regularly download and install Windows updates (or set Windows to download and install them automatically).

Go to for more information how to download and install Windows updates.

Understanding Your ISP
The company that provides you with internet service is called an Internet Service Provider (ISP).  In most instances, you will have selected a max speed when you subscribed to an ISP, however, this is no guarantee that you can expect to consistently experience the max speed.  There are a number of issues that impact your ISP speed, including heavy traffic and packet loss.  Check your current speed by going to

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