April 2022 Jackrabbit Enhancements

Virtual Release Notes: Jackrabbit’s latest integration and feature enhancements

Another month and another exciting release of enhancements from Jackrabbit Class!

The latest releases from Jackrabbit have been nothing short of exciting with a new integration partner, updated report filters and results, and continuous refinements to the new features of 2022 to make sure that your class management software is saving you time and giving you the work/life balance you deserve.

In case you missed April’s Virtual Release Notes webinar, we discussed and demonstrated these new releases and more!

Watch the webinar on-demand

Integration with a human security platform

Jackrabbit has expanded its ecosystem with a brand new partner – Yardstik. As a human security platform, Yardstik gives you the ability to initiate background screening for prospective employees from within the Jackrabbit application. Throughout the process, Jackrabbit will reflect the status of the screening and give you an option to view the report when it is ready.

With this new integration, you can continue to keep your youth activity center a safe place for you, your staff, and your families with ease. With a pay-as-you-go pricing structure, you can pay for screening as you need it throughout the season. Excited to learn more about the Jackrabbit and Yardstik integration? (—> Connect with the Yardstik team today!)

Updated report filters and results

Whether it’s a new report or a report that has been around since the beginning of Jackrabbit, our team is always looking at ways to improve the reporting features to ensure you are able to easily find the information you need. Sometimes that means adjusting the filters you can sort by and sometimes that means adding columns to the output of the report. In this case, you get a little bit of both!

As one of the most powerful reports in Jackrabbit, the Enrollment Detail Report was lacking some flexibility in serving up data related to how you categorize your classes. With the latest updates, you can select more than one Category – now 1, 2, or even 3 simultaneously.

When it comes to new columns added to the results, here’s what you can look for:

  • All Students – separate columns for student first and last names, separate columns for primary contact first and last names, as well as current classes as an option to show.
  • All Families – option to show family contacts with authorization details, Jackrabbit Family ID (the ID that Jackrabbit automatically creates), or Family ID (an ID that you can customize).
  • Enrollment Detail Report – address, city, state, and family zip default to show.

Updates like this may seem small, but make the biggest difference for clients like yourself and shows the impact of requesting ideas through the Jackrabbit Idea Portal!

Ability to print or email statements for a single student

As an owner or manager of a youth activity center, chances are you’ve had a parent ask for a statement that shows transactions for one student in the family. Whether it’s for reimbursement or tax credit, it’s common for this request to hit your front desk or email inbox.

With the latest update to statements, you can now select to email statements by students of your choice when printing or emailing a statement to a specific family.

Get started with Jackrabbit Class for free today and work with a Product Coach to work setting up Jackrabbit for your youth activity center!

Refinements to customized policies

Earlier this year, the team released the ability to create customized policies for classes so you can efficiently require agreement to only the specific policies that are based on the student’s enrollment – also known as Multiple Policies.

As this feature has been adopted by many of our clients heading into summer programs and setting up registration for next season, it was realized that separate user permissions were needed for managing policies and policy groups versus viewing and assigning policy groups. With this added flexibility, you can ensure that only those who should have access to updating policies and policy groups have the permission to do so without empowering other staff to view and assign policies and policy groups where needed.

In addition to user permissions, copying classes now has the option for you to decide whether policy groups are copied to the new classes or not. Not all scenarios for all youth activity centers will be the same every time, so putting the decision in your hands made the most sense! Since this is a required field in order to copy classes, you must select ‘yes’ or ‘no’. (—>Learn more about copying classes with policies)

Whether you found the one enhancement you’ve been dreaming about or you’re ready to implement everything we just released, our support team is ready to guide you on your journey. Schedule a 1:1 call with a support expert today so you can be on your way to more powerful reporting, easy pre-screening for new employees, and customized policies in no time!

Schedule my call now!

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