Training made easing with the Jackrabbit Training System

How to manage staff training and track certifications effortlessly

Managing staff training and tracking certifications are important to ensure you have the best staff working with students in your facility. From CPR and safety training to professional development and updated COVID-19 protocols, you want to make sure your staff members are constantly learning and growing.

Continued education is a great way to ensure your youth activity center is the best it can be!

How to manage staff training and certifications

While the thought of tracking “another thing” may seem nearly impossible right, we have put together some easy steps for managing staff training and certifications.

Communication is key!

If you require staff members to complete a certain number of training hours each year, let them know that information up front. The more they understand your expectations, the more proactive they can be throughout the year.

For certifications that expire every 2-3 years, send reminders periodically. Encouraging your staff to think ahead will help them avoid the urge to procrastinate. Let’s be real, something always happens when you wait until the last minute so let’s do what we can to keep that from happening!

How can Jackrabbit Class help you communicate with your staff?

Communicating with staff is something you do daily. With Jackrabbit Class, you can email and text staff with a few clicks, whether you want to email all staff or a single staff member.

In addition, you can post news in the Staff Portal. Think of this as a virtual bulletin board. Any reminders or information your staff members need to know about training expectations can live right here so they see it every time they log in.

Using a combination of email, text, and news in the portal over time is a great way to make sure your message is received.

Give your staff what they need

Support your team of staff with the resources they need to successfully complete the training requirements. From experience, I am sure you know the easier you make it, the better the outcome.

Address questions ahead of time by supplying these answers in advance:

  • Is there a preferred vendor or association you want them to use?
  • What are some examples of courses they can take that will benefit them and your youth activity center?
  • What areas would you like to see them grow their skills in?

When staff and coaches at your swim school are required to update their CPR training, share locations where these training courses are held. Even just a link to where they can find dates and times is helpful. By giving your staff somewhere to start, you’ve eliminated the guesswork, and their participation increases.

Easy-to-update tracking

Tracking is a must if you are going to require training and certifications of your staff. Otherwise, how can you hold them accountable? We also know you don’t have extra time to keep up with one more thing so make sure your process is easy, yet effective. Being able to quickly see the status of each staff member’s training or certification at a glance with little effort is important!

How can Jackrabbit Class help you track staff certifications and training?

So glad you asked!

Jackrabbit Class comes with a Staff Certifications feature to do exactly what you need – make it easy to update and find what you need when you need it. With the ability to add training specific to your youth activity center, update each staff member’s progress, and see an overall view from the dashboard where you log in every day, this is a perfect example of working smarter, not harder!

(—> How to setup and maintain staff training and certifications)


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How to train your staff to be experts in Jackrabbit Class 

There’s a variety of training options to keep your staff up-to-date on maximizing Jackrabbit Class. Being comfortable with the software is important to the growth of your business and your staff. While training in Jackrabbit may not be a required course, it can certainly count as continuing education!

No matter what type of learners your staff members are, we’ve got them covered. Our training options include:

While all of these options are awesome in their own way, my favorite one by far is the Training System. The system was well thought out to include lessons separated by staff role, opportunities to practice what they’ve learned, quiz themselves, and get Jackrabbit certified. But, the best part about it is it is available online, anytime. Check it out below!

staff training

And of course, our team of support experts is always available to help when you need assistance. With the best support in the industry, you have unlimited access to our team included in our monthly subscription!


Here at Jackrabbit, we believe in helping you get time back in your day so you can do more of the fun stuff. Redeem your 30-day free trial and start working with the best team in the business. Our Product Coaches are ready to partner with you!

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