Is it time to hit the reset button?

Time for a Reset

Although summer just officially arrived a couple of weeks ago, fall will be here before we know it! 

You have about 6 weeks before you need to be mentally, physically and organizationally ready to face the chaos that fall can bring.

Summer usually accommodates you if you need a little extra time to pursue an activity, so take advantage of it to do something awesome for your business and yourself. 

Summer is the perfect time for a reset. 

What in the heck does that mean? 

Reset is defined as “to set again or renew”.

As the owner of a children’s activity center, a reset can impact you in several areas:

  •       Physical wellness
  •       Emotional/mental wellness
  •       Business health
  •       Business potential

Each of these areas are intertwined and co-dependent on one another. But individual attention must be given to each to make improvements. 

Physical wellness

This doesn’t mean you have to do the next Ironman, but it does mean that you need to evaluate the amount and type of exercise that you get. Make a change if you aren’t spending enough time doing a physical activity that you enjoy, that gets your heart rate and spirits up, and makes you focus on something besides your business. 

Also review diet and sleep habits to make sure they support the needs of your body and your mind.  

Mental wellness 

Mental wellness doesn’t mean you need to book a session with you therapist. Instead, take some time for an introspective analysis and act on what you see. 

Improving your physical wellness will help with your mental wellness. And improving yourself, gives you a better self to improve your business.

Business health 

This doesn’t mean you need to scrap what you’re doing and create a new business infrastructure. It’s actually the opposite. Hit the reset button and refocus your view of what’s going on. Gain clarity of where you can improve and where you might consider change and then make a plan for executing the required actions. 

Business potential 

Clarity gets the clutter out of the way so you can see where your business can go. A physically and mentally healthy you can focus on business and hold down the accelerator to bravely and confidently grow. Clarity enables you to truly understand how the ‘business side’ of your business is working.

Watch our blog during July! We have lots of topics to share with you that are reset-related and will give you some great ideas about hitting that reset button for yourself!

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