New Jackrabbit enhancements.

Skills Progression Reporting – Building a relationship with your customers

Skills Progression Reporting Now Available – Release: March 7, 2019

Having a successful program, whether it is a gym, studio, pool, etc., goes beyond building a relationship with your students. It is important to also build a strong bond with the parents and guardians of your students. Your families want to know that their child is learning new skills each week they come to your facility.

Use the new Skills Progress Report to Communicate with Families

For programs that use skills, it is important to let families know just where their student stands with each skill. The new Skills Progress report shows just that – development in each skill the student is working on. What a great way to encourage families to celebrate attained skills for their students!

The report includes:

  • An overall status bar for the student’s skill(s)
  • Status bar for how many skills have been started, tested, and attained
  • A legend for started, tested, and attained
  • Your logo
  • Each skill and sub-skills’ status

Pro-tip: If it is not already, make sure your logo is uploaded in Tools > Edit Settings > Organization Logo. Having your logo on the Skills Progression report is another great place to show your brand!

Where can you find the Skills Progress Report?

The Skills Progress Report is a display option under an existing report.

  1. Under the Classes menu, select the Class Skills/Levels Report option.
  2. Select Search Criteria if needed.
  3. In the Display Settings section, select the option for I would like a skills progress report.
  4. Choose which skills you would like to see.
  5. Select how you would like the report to be sorted from the drop down options.

With a new way to communicate and build relationships with your families, we hope that you find this highly-requested report to be beneficial.

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