In the months following a new season, it’s common for youth activity centers to see a dip in student registration numbers, which could lead to a dip in tuition revenue. This means your gymnastics or cheer gym, swim school or dance studio needs to find ways to keep revenue up by maintaining the interest of current students while also appealing to new customers.
According to the 2022 Youth Activity Benchmark Report, youth activity centers host on average 70 events per quarter to infuse their businesses with non-traditional revenue generated from monthly tuition.
We polled Jackrabbit users to determine the top five events that you should consider hosting at your youth activity center. Here’s what they had to recommend.
Birthday Parties
Who said the only certain things in life are death and taxes? No offense to Mr Franklin, but we can think of a few more. One of them being that babies don’t keep. They grow, they get older and they celebrate many birthdays along the way.
If your youth activity center is ripe with pre-school and elementary age students, you’ve experienced your share of students who are giddy in class because today is their birthday.
Kids love celebrating their special day, and some business owners have discovered that parents are willing to pay to make that celebration memorable and convenient. That’s why birthday parties were at the top of the list of events that help Jackrabbit users generate additional revenue.
Think about it: you have a loyal customer base, a facility, staff your customers trust, and a system for booking and charging for the event. Adding this offering to your gym, swim school or dance studio doesn’t require heavy lifting, but it will result in a pretty payout.
Percentage of Jackrabbit clients generating additional revenue through birthday parties: 32%
Discover new ways to promote and produce birthday parties at your youth activity center. Join Jackrabbit clients in a tell-all panel, Increasing Revenue: The Birthday Party Edition!
If you operate classes at your youth activity center around your local school’s schedule, chances are you take a break from regularly scheduled classes in the summer, winter and on certain holidays or teacher workdays. Twenty five percent of Jackrabbit clients use camps to generate additional income at their swim and music schools, gyms and dance studios.
When asked why they provided camps, our clients said that full day and half day programs are a huge win-win because camps provide parents in their community a safe place for their children when schools are closed, and helps keep cash flowing into their facilities.
Percentage of Jackrabbit clients generating additional revenue through camps: 26%
Clinics and Master Classes
Clinics for tumbling and acro, stretching, strength and conditioning and countless others, along with master classes also topped the charts of popular events that generate revenue for Jackrabbit clients.
Students who are interested in developing their skill set in the studio, on the mat or in the water live for opportunities like these. Offering events like these, especially when taught by industry influencers, is a great way to set your youth activity center apart from other facilities in your area.
Percentage of Jackrabbit clients generating additional revenue through clinics and master classes: 19%
Parent’s Night Out
Mommin’ ain’t easy, but it’s necessary.
Many Jackrabbit clients realize that parents could use a break from time to time to rest, recharge and have a little bit of time to attend to their own needs. This is why parent’s night out events are popular among youth activity centers.
Schedule your best staff, order some pizza and pull out the activities so your customers can pay for an evening of peace without having to deal with the hassle of finding a sitter!
Percentage of Jackrabbit clients generating additional revenue through parent’s night out: 15%
Open Gym Events
Another popular way youth activity centers are generating additional revenue is through open gym events. If you’re wondering what open gym time consists of, then you’ll be surprised to know that it can look like anything!
Does your gym go unused from 11 am – 1 pm every Tuesday? Open gym.
Do your Saturday morning classes end at 11 am but your staff is available through 2 pm? Open gym.
Does a portion of your floor go unused while you’re already open hosting birthday parties? Open gym.
Open gyms are the solution for you when you don’t want your gym to sit empty while others are available to supervise, which is why they appear in the top five most popular events among Jackrabbit clients.
Percentage of Jackrabbit clients generating additional revenue through open gym: 11%
What events are most popular at your gym, swim school or dance studio? Let us know in the comments below!
Grow and manage your youth activity center with Jackrabbit Class. Create your free account today.