Mark and Jill are with the Bulldog 100 award.

Mirror Images: Leader and Company Culture

A company personifies its leaders, some say.

It couldn’t be truer in this case and it was validated on Saturday, January 27th as Mark Mahoney was honored with the first inaugural Michael J. Bryan Award for entrepreneurial spirit and continuous, sustained the growth of his company at the 2018 Bulldog 100 gala.

The 2018 Bulldog 100 also celebrated the fastest growing companies owned by UGA grads among which Jackrabbit Technologies has been listed for 8 consecutive years, coming in at #94 this year.

Needless to say, it was an exciting night for Jackrabbit and for Mark, but in usual fashion, Mark shared his honor with his partnering co-founder, Mike Carper, and their team of dedicated Jackrabbit employees.

Jackrabbit reflects the values and integrity of its leaders, prioritizing customer satisfaction, excellence, honesty, and integrity as first and foremost. Those are the values that earn the company customer loyalty and employee commitment. Those are the values that have ensured Jackrabbit’s growth since it’s inception in 2004.

The team couldn’t be more proud of Mark and of what Jackrabbit has achieved as a company.

A mirror image is an awfully amazing thing when reflects goodness in both directions.

Please read the press release for more details.

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