Over the years, we have seen a trend in our customers asking about Annual Fees in August. Post Annual Fees can be used to post any type of annual fee – registration, membership, insurance, etc. This fee is based on the registration month for the family/student.
To see what your options are, go to Transactions > Post Annual Fees.
Search Criteria Section:
- Select a Location.
- This will look at the family location, not the class location.
- Select whether the fee should be posted per family or per student.
- If the fee is posted per family, choose a registration month (or select all for all months). A family’s registration month is listed on the Family Summary tab.
- If the fee is posted per student, select a start month (or select all for all months). A student’s start month is listed on the Student Summary tab.
- Select the enroll date – this will be the date the student was enrolled in class.
- Select whether the student is active or inactive, the session, Category 1-3 and membership type.
Transaction Details to Post Section:
Jackrabbit will check for duplicates by reviewing this info.
- Enter the Transaction Date.
- Enter a Transaction Type.
- Enter a Transaction Sub-Type, if applicable.
- If the fee is posted per family, enter the family fee.
- If the fee is posted per student, enter the fees for Student 1, Student 2, Student 3. (Students 4 – up are charged the same as Student #3.)
- Enter Transaction Notes, if applicable.
- Enter a Category 1 (so that the fee will be organized and reportable).
- Enter a Session.
Early Registration discount – Where should this go?
With Post Annual Fees, you can use the enroll dates to pull in those that were early to post a credit to their account. Remember to enter a negative -$XX amount in the fee field.
To post discounts to only those that enrolled during a certain time period:
Same thing as above: Under Post Annual Fees, you can use the enroll dates to pull in those that were early to post a credit to their account. Remember to enter a negative -$XX amount in the fee field.
Favorites! Please remember to save your search criteria as a Favorite so you can come back to this page and post fees faster and with accuracy next time!
Questions? Share them in our comments section below!