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Grant Program Helps Organizations Serving Autistic Children

Did you know that there is an Autism Speaks Local Grant application for 2016 that opened on July 18th  and will be open until Friday, September 23? Here is the application link.

We know that we have many organizations that provide services to autistic children. This great program can help you to provide better (or more) services to your autistic students.

Here are the details:

Organizations providing services to children and adults with autism can apply for grants of up to $5,000. The goal of this program is to help promote local services that enhance the lives of people affected by autism. Since 2012, Autism Speaks has distributed nearly $2 million in grant funding to 365 organizations around the United States through their Local Grants program in the areas of education, recreation, young adult/adult services and technology.

You can get answers to more of your questions here. You may also review the slides from an informational webinar here.

This is not a grant program for individuals. It is strictly for organizations providing services to autistic children.

The focus of the Autism Speaks Family Services Local Grants is three-fold:

  1. To promote local services that enhance the lives of those affected by autism.
  2. To expand the capacity to effectively serve this growing community.
  3. To increase the field of service providers across the country.

When you apply, Autism Speaks will look at what each program can provide for the local autism community, so be certain to share all of the resources that you may offer including videos, manuals and curricula that can also be shared on the Autism Speaks website for the broader community. Also, make certain to describe different levels of opportunities which you provide. You may, for example, offer classes for children with varying levels of autism. Some may be mainstreamed, while you may see it more beneficial to offer children with greater needs, individual attention or smaller class environments. Careful consideration will also be given to those specifically addressing autism needs in underserved communities.

This is how the grant process will play out:

  • July 18-September 23: Application open
  • September 26-November 4: Review process
  • November 17: Family Services Committee approval
  • Early December: All applicants notified of decisions
  • Early January 2017: Funds will begin to be distributed

What has been funded through this program?

In 2016, Autism Speaks awarded more than $540,000 to 116 local organizations through its Chapter, Neighborhood and Regional Grant programs.

Chapter Grants of up to $5,000 were awarded to 62 organizations located in the areas of the 12 Autism Speaks chapters (Carolinas, Chicagoland, Long Island, National Capital Area, New England, New Jersey, Ohio, South Florida, Southern California*, St. Louis, Texas and Western Pennsylvania) for a total of over $257,000.

Regional Grants of up to $5,000 were awarded to 16 organizations across the country for a total of over $77,000. The grants were distributed throughout the four regions around the country (Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, West).

Neighborhood Grants (funded by Sprouts Farmers Market), were awarded to 38 organizations in 9 states for a total of over $208,000. Neighborhood Grants are available in Alabama, Arizona, California (*this includes the Southern California Chapter Grants), Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah.

In previous years, what was funded?

In 2014, Autism Speaks awarded more than $620,000 to 128 local organizations through its Chapter, Neighborhood and Regional Grant programs.

Chapter Grants of up to $5,000 were awarded to 55 organizations located in the areas of the 11 Autism Speaks chapters (Carolinas, Chicagoland, Long Island, National Capital Area, New England, New Jersey, Ohio, South Florida, Southern California*, St. Louis and Western Pennsylvania) for a total of over $250,000.

Regional Grants of up to $5,000 were awarded to 21 organizations across the country for a total of close to $100,000. The grants were distributed throughout the four regions around the country (Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, West).

Neighborhood Grants of up to $5,000 (funded by Sprouts Farmers Market) were awarded to 52 organizations in 8 states for a total of over $271,000. Neighborhood Grants are available in Arizona, California (*this includes the Southern California Chapter Grants), Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Utah.

In 2013, Autism Speaks awarded more than $700,000 to 141 local organizations through its Chapter, Neighborhood and Regional Grant programs.

Chapter Grants of up to $5,000 were awarded to 54 organizations located in the areas of the 11 Autism Speaks chapters (Carolinas, Chicagoland, Long Island, National Capital Area, New England, New Jersey, Ohio, South Florida, Southern California*, St. Louis and Western Pennsylvania) for a total of close to $250,000.

Regional Grants of up to $5,000 were awarded to 21 organizations across the country for a total of close to $100,000. The grants were distributed throughout the four regions around the country (Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, West).

Neighborhood Grants of up to $5,000 (funded by Sprouts Farmers Market) were awarded to 66 organizations in 8 states for a total of over $340,000. Neighborhood Grants are available in Arizona, California (*this includes the Southern California Chapter Grants), Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and Utah.

In 2012, Autism Speaks awarded $100,000 to 20 locations in the four original Autism Speaks chapters (Chicagoland, Southern California, South Florida and St. Louis. Click here to a view more post recipients.

For more information about the Autism Speaks Family Services grants programs,

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