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Best Practices for Session Transitions

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Suggested Session Transition
Many facilities operate on sessions.  A session can be any period of time (a specific number of weeks or even a full year).  Even if your facility doesn’t use sessions and runs perpetually, it’s a good idea to assign sessions to your classes for several reasons.

  • So you can compare enrollment and revenue data for the session time frames
  • So you can retain past enrollment data for students separately from current enrollment data
  • So you can run two sessions separately but simultaneously

When one session is ending and a new session is beginning, Jackrabbit recommends the steps below.

  1. Create a new session name in using Tools > Edit Drop Down Lists > Class Sessions.
  2. Copy classes from the old session to the new session using Classes > Copy  Classes.
  3. Make changes to the new session classes using Classes > Edit All Classes.
  4. When the older session is completely over, archive the older session classes using Classes > Archive Classes.

Learn more in the Jackrabbit Help Center and review a video on this topic.

Suggested Lead File Housekeeping
As one session ends and a new session begins, it’s also a good time to do some Lead File housekeeping.   Families who are in the unlimited Lead File are not counted as part of your Jackrabbit subscription fees.  Jackrabbit recommends that families who you know are not returning and families who have been inactive for 12 – 18 months be moved to the Lead File using Families > Lead File > Mass Archive.  Make this a housekeeping habit each time you transition from one session to another.

Learn more about moving families to the Lead File in the Jackrabbit Help Center and review a video on this topic.


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