In the world of instant gratification, more and more people are enrolling their children in activities online. While this is a great benefit to you and your youth activity center, your opportunity to make a first impression is no longer in-person. Your website and online registration are their first experience with your program, but the welcome email you send can make a lasting impression – say less!
4 reasons why you should send a welcome email to parents
With email being the most popular form of communication when it comes to giving details and important information, there are many benefits to taking advantage of this channel to welcome new families.
Welcome emails help you set expectations
Welcome emails are a normal part of running any kind of business. In addition to starting a great relationship with new families, welcome emails are a great way for you to set expectations upfront.
Of course, parents agree to policies when registering their child online but the welcome email is a great opportunity to highlight things like dress code guidelines, what to expect on the first day of class, when you are hosting an open house and how often you plan regular communication.
Welcome emails provide a positive customer experience
New customers like to know that you appreciate and acknowledge their new business. A welcome email is another piece of creating that relationship with families that reinforces that they chose the right gym, swim school or dance studio.
Sending a welcome email to a new family initiates the beginning of a great experience. With a personalized approach, introduce yourself and confirm what classes the child is enrolled in. Use the touch point to include a link to the parent handbook and access to the Parent Portal for future reference and reassure them you are available for any questions they have.
This experience will be one that parents can’t wait to share with their friends who also have children and may be looking for a new activity to join!
Welcome emails ease parents’ minds
Sending out a welcome email within 24-48 hours of new registrations is a clear sign that you are organized and are on top of it. What parent doesn’t love and appreciate that?!
Something that seems so small to you is a grand gesture that will put parents at ease when it comes to bringing their child to your facility and knowing they are in great hands. The more comfortable parents feel, the happier they will be and the happier they are, the more they will spread the word, which is basically free advertising for your youth activity center – talk about a win-win!
Welcome emails build loyalty
Remember that lasting impression I mentioned earlier? Everything mentioned so far about welcome emails combined together creates that positive impact and builds loyalty to you and your program.
Attracting new students is always a goal but it’s just as important to make sure you are retaining current students and keeping them happy – it all starts from that first welcome email.
How to get started with your welcome emails
You know why welcome emails are important but you may be asking yourself, ‘how do I get started?’ First things first, having all-encompassing class management software that allows you to offer online registration and communication with families is a must. If you’re looking for the best fit, it’s the perfect time to open your free account with Jackrabbit Class and get started with a Product Coach! (—>Sign me up)
Once you’ve got your class management software up and running on your website, it’s time to start sending those welcome emails. With the help of automated features in Jackrabbit, you can create a welcome email template and schedule welcome emails when you are notified of new registrations.
I know, it’s mind-blowing but it doesn’t have to be! Check our recent topic hub on how to automate tasks to save time (and money) so you can start reaping the benefits of sending welcome emails right away!
Check out the Automation Topic Hub