A basic password is written on a blue sticky note.

Helping You Protect Your Data

One of the characteristics that you want to come to mind when your customers describe you is professionalism. We have some great ideas about maintaining quality standards in your center, studio or school that we’ve put into a Don’ts and Dos List so it’s easy to use and share as you kick off 2019.

Do not allow post-it notes or notepads to be left lying around with sensitive information on them. No phone numbers, addresses, names. This goes for your staff information as well as your families.
Never write down a customer’s credit card number on paper.  
Do not repeat these numbers or information out loud when working with a family or staff member in a public space of your building.
Don’t let multiple staff use the same email address as this will allow for anyone to see password resets when they come in for a staff member who may have forgotten theirs.
Do not allow your staff to discuss your customers, accounts or other staff in your common areas.
Do not share your passwords with anyone.
Don’t leave your computer screens unattended or openly viewable by others at your counter.

Take stock of what data you have and how securely it is managed.
Keep only what you absolutely need.
Develop a Privacy Policy for your business and ensure your staff are following it.
Only enter credit cards directly into the family’s Jackrabbit account, where they are vaulted away and are PCI compliant.
Invest in a shredder for your office to dispose of all paper with sensitive information on it.
Ensure your computer screen is turned away from prying eyes. Make sure your computer is password protected and lock down the screen if you are leaving the area or log out of your database.
Your staff using the database need to be logged in ONLY under their own login ID and should not ever use yours or anyone else’s login Ids.
Look at your Permissions settings for your staff using Jackrabbit, carefully. Make sure they are only able to do the specific tasks needed and that they cannot export data if they have no need to. You can periodically check what they are doing using the User Activity Report in your database.
Make sure your staff have a private area to collect a family’s information so others in the waiting area do not hear private information. Phone calls should be handled the same way without breaching privacy by not mentioning phone numbers, addresses, etc. out loud in an open room.
Try to become a paperless office as much as possible.
Clear your computer cache regularly
Clean out your filing cabinets and shred all papers you no longer need to keep. For those you do need to keep on file you need to have a locked filing cabinet or locked cupboard to store them securely.

We hope these Don’ts and Dos help you start of 2019 with a new sense of organization, standardization and professionalism.



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